Sovereign Pelvic Touch Ceremonial Bodywork

developing true reverence for your female body

is a courageous act of rebellion.

When you are ready, the revolution is here for you

Holistic Hands-On, Hands-in Womb + Pelvic Care

Sovereign Pelvic Touch is a ceremony of reverence for the woman who wishes to explore healing through her pelvic bowl. It is an engagement with the root through the physical, emotional and spiritual layers of the body. From Menarche to Menopause, these ceremonies create the space to unwind the female body and psyche, so that you may find the sacred wisdom within and open your capacity to thrive.

Every session is different and can include womb continuum care, and non-agenda vulva-vaginal touch.

Pelvic Medicine is nervous system medicine.

It is a powerful way to move, integrate, and alchemize the layers of self

Understanding your body is your birthright. Sovereign means, possessing supreme or ultimate power. And no one— myself included should tell you what that looks like. Each body is different, and every woman has her own reasons why she wants to explore healing through the pelvis. I am here to support you on the journey back into your body's wisdom of safety and creative power.

THe Exchange

  • Sydney has one available ceremony for 1:1 Sovereign Pelvic Ceremony in a beautiful private apartment in Manhattan on Monday 02/10

    Ceremony starts at 10am and is ~4hrs long

  • The total investment is $2200. This includes

    • 4 hr Private Ceremony

    • 30 min Integration call after ceremony

    • 30 days of voice messaging integration support via Signal

I will be offering Sovereign Pelvic Ceremony in NYC on February 10th.

This is intimate work and we want to make sure its the right fit for both of us.

Please fill out the form below to apply. Looking forward to connecting!


About Sydney

My work is based upon the idea that true healing and unwind comes when we approach the body without agenda. When we remember that the body is already wise and inherently trying to orient towards balance, magic happens.

With over a decade of service to women in the field of trauma integration and pelvic healing, I’ve been called many things— Pussy Witch, Queen of Orifices, Medicine Woman, Vagina lady… but I like to think of my role simply as a facilitator in welcoming you home to your body and your root.

The medicine is in the presence, and my gift is in mirror the magic already within you, by creating a space for which you can cultivate your own felt sense of safety. You and your body are innately wise and powerful, it is my honor to journey with you.